Baby Shower!, friends, starbucks

Starbucks Baby Shower

On Saturday I hosted a baby shower at my house for a friend/co-worker of mine. It was a ‘very starbucks’ baby shower with a ‘baby animal’ theme — and lots of pinks and purples for the baby girl and her mamma-to-be.  The night before some of our other co-workers stopped by to make the favors and name tags with little animal stickers. The end result was pretty cute. IMG_1093IMG_1095

There were tons of gifts…

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Little baby animals and their mammas were scattered around my house, lurking in floral fields and bushes…

There were cute favors comprised of delicious starbucks cookies with custom labels and special ‘cookie-jars’ to give out to the game winners as the shower progressed….

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We had popcorn, cookies, candy, chocolates, and strawberries to start. By the time the show was underway we had two cakes, finger sandwiches, pasta salad, fried chicken, and the most amazing meatballs you ever tasted added to the mix…

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We played 3 different games: ‘Never Say Baby’, ‘Guess the Baby Object’, and “Guess the Baby Food’. They were surprisingly fun for all involved.

IMG_1050 IMG_1051And, of course, we spent a lot of time enjoying the guest of honor opening her gifts – – ohhing and ahhing over all the cute baby things…

IMG_1041It was a special day, not to be forgotten any time soon. When it was all over I couldn’t help but smile at the community our store has created and how incredible it is to have the impact we make in our customers’ days be materialized and articulated in the outpouring of support, gifts, notes, and physical presence at the party. Some days the saying is true; some days at starbucks are simply inspired.

